what do you gain by using a template' you avoid manual addition of style,line break,para etc for any page. You would need to do this if you use a program likeSigil One way to create a template is to make an xhtml file and then transfer it to template. other is to take a template and tweak it. Code for the three template in the video is given below. First line is always a comment line Second the template name Third the number of columns img_file is a folder storing the png/jpg , , are place holders for text areas 1,2, 3 on the page 15 style = is a line with which to include style in the xhtml para = crreates paragraphs in xhtml -------------------------------AboutAuthors //The very first template ever created first line is String Template_name Template_name = AboutAuthors numcols = 1 img_file = D:\epubReaderWin\ErapPoraJava\trials27 title = AboutAuthors num_style_lines = 3 style = img { style = float: left; style = } // saved images is for template use line = AboutAuthors line =

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//allowed line=/para=/style= --------------------------------------------- //trying 13/809 Biochemistry-U-Satyanaryan-4th-Edition Template_name = BioPage numcols = 2 img_file = D:\epubReaderWin\ErapPoraJava\trials27 title = BioPage num_style_lines = 80 style = img { style = float: left; style = } style = *{ style = box-sizing: border-box; style = } style = /* Create two equal columns that floats next to each other */ style = .column { style = float: left; style = padding: 10px; style = width: 50%; style = } style = .left { style = width: 50%; style = } style = .right { style = width: 50%; style = } style = /* Clear floats after the columns */ style = .row:after { style = content: ""; style = display: table; style = clear: both; style = } style = .blockquote p::before { style = content: '\201C'; style = } style = .blockquote p::after { style = content: '\201D'; style = } style = /* Create two equal columns that floats next to each other */ style = .column1 { style = float: left; style = width: 120px; style = margin-left: 10px; style = padding: 10px; style = } style = .column2 { style = float: left; style = width: 50%; style = padding: 10px; style = } style = /* Clear floats after the columns */ style = .row:after { style = content: ""; style = display: table; style = clear: both; style = } // saved images #stored is for template use line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line =
Section1     chemical constituents of life
  Biomolecules and the Cell   
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line = The cell speaks : I am the unit of biological activity Organized into subcellular organelles Assigned to each are specific duties Thus, I truly represent life! line =
       --Friedrich Nietzsche
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organic compounds. It is believed that man maycontain about 100,000 different types of molecules although only a few of them have been characterized. Complex biomolecules The organic compounds such as amino acids, nucleotides and monosaccharides serve as the monomeric units or building blocks of complex biomolecules—proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and polysaccharides, respectively. The important biomolecules (macromolecules) with their respective building blocks and major functions are given in Table 1.1. As regards lipids, it may be noted that they are not biopolymers in a strict sense, but majority of them contain fatty acids.

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The living matter is composed of mainly six elements—carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. These elements together constitute about 90% of the dry weight of the human body. Several other functionally important elements are also found in the cells.These include Ca, K, Na, Cl, Mg, Fe, Cu, Co, I, Zn, F, Mo and Se. Carbon—a unique element of life Carbon is the most predominant and versatile element of life. It possesses a unique property to form infinite number of compounds. This is attributed to the ability of carbon to form stable covalent bonds and C C chains of unlimited length. It is estimated that about 90% of compounds found in living system invariably contain carbon.

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------------------------------------------- //trying 13/809 Biochemistry-U-Satyanaryan-4th-Edition Template_name = GreatPaint numcols = 3 img_file = D:\epubReaderWin\ErapPoraJava\trials27 title = GreatPaintPage num_style_lines = 80 style = img { style = float: left; style = } style = .column1 { style = flex: 33.33%; style = height: 300px; style = padding: 10px; style = margin: 5px; style = background-color: rgb(237,237,237); style = text-align: justify; style = } style = .column2 { style = flex: 33.33%; style = height: 300px; style = padding: 10px; style = margin: 5px; style = background-color: rgb(30,200,200); style = text-align: justify; style = } style = .column3 { style = flex: 33.33%; style = height: 300px; style = padding: 10px; style = margin: 5px; style = background-color: rgb(237,237,237); style = text-align: justify; style = } style = .container { style = display: flex; style = } // saved images #stored is for template use line =
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